Health Care Advocacy and Policy Services

While many advocacy firms offer either policymaker access or policy analysis, Lincoln Policy Group (LPG) is a rare firm that offers both, and at a high level. Our health care clients benefit from our substantive knowledge and expertise, derived from years of experience developing and implementing health policy in the Executive and Legislative branches. This allows LPG’s health care team to recognize landscape shifts before they materialize, decipher which policies have the potential of being adopted, and develop regulatory and legislative strategies that combine the scientific data, legal analysis, and advocacy tactics to put our clients in the strongest position to achieve their goals. Through our experiences, we have learned that collaboration between the public and private sectors is a necessary precursor to the development of sound health policy. That is why we work to facilitate effective communication between our clients and key policymakers on Capitol Hill and at the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services and Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.